Diocesan convocation explores how to promote ‘evangelizing catechesis’ in parishes, schools

The Paterson Diocese welcomed Bishop Frank J. Caggiano, chairman of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops’ subcommittee on the catechism, to speak on a vision about “evangelizing catechesis” in the Paterson Diocese during the 2024 Diocesan Catechetical Convocation on Oct. 9.

Guided by the theme “Shaping the Future of Catechesis in the Paterson Diocese,” the gathering was designed to help catechetical leaders develop a clear, shared understanding of “evangelizing catechesis” and encourage it in their parishes. Bishop Caggiano spoke during two sessions in the Dolan Performance Hall of St. Elizabeth University in the Convent Station neighborhood of Morris Township.

In a question-and-answer period, participants discussed with the speaker issues related to the state of catechesis, best practices, areas of growth, and implementation of the 2020 Directory for Catechesis in their parishes and schools.

Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney; Father Yojaneider Garcia, director of the Diocesan Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation; and Debbie Dericks, president of the diocesan Catechetical Leaders Association and religious education director of Our Lady of Consolation Parish in Wayne, spoke during the convocation.

— Michael Wojcik


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