12/1 Sun., 10 a.m. Mass – St. Anthony, Hawthorne, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the church building. 12/2 Mon., 10 a.m. Priests’
More11/2 Sat., 8 a.m. Mass for Life & Procession – St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Morristown; 11 a.m. All Souls Day Mass
More10/1 Tue., 9:35 a.m. Mass – Delbarton School, Morristown. 10/3 Thu., 10 a.m. Finance Council Meeting – Chancery Office. 10/4 Fri., 11
More9/4 Wed., 2 p.m. Board of Bishops’ Virtual Meeting. 9/5 Thur., 7 p.m. Mass and Candle Lighting on the Feast of St.
More8/3 Sat., 8 a.m. Mass for Life & Procession, St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Morristown. 8/5 Mon., 11:30 a.m. Mass of Final
More7/6 Sat., 8 a.m. Mass for Life & Procession – St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Morristown; 5:30 p.m. Mass – celebrating the