St. Joseph’s Shrine featured on N.J. Knights’ pilgrimage schedule

The New Jersey Knights of Columbus will host pilgrimages to Catholic shrines around the Garden State and beyond from August 2024 to March 2025. The last pilgrimage will happen on March 15, 2025, at the Shrine of St. Joseph in the Stirling neighborhood of Long Hill Township in the Paterson Diocese.

The schedule of knights pilgrimages is as follows:

  • Aug. 10: Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney Shrine, 3730 Richards Ave., Hammonton, N.J.
  • Oct. 6: Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Garden, 564 Walton Ave., Mount Laurel, N.J.
  • Oct. 26: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, D.C.
  • Nov. 16: St. Frances Cabrini Shrine, 701 Fort Washington Ave., New York, N.Y.
  • Dec. 7: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine, 135 N. White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, N.J.
  • March 15, 2025: Shrine of Saint Joseph, 1050 Long Hill Road, Stirling, N.J.

The Knights encourage those of all ages to meet them at each of the six locations for camaraderie, faith lessons, and opportunities for Rosary prayers and Adoration.

“Shrines are a way to deepen your faith and find a sense of peace and silence to listen to the voice of Jesus speaking through the Eucharist,” said Rolland C. Coutinho, New Jersey Knights of Columbus shrine coordinator.

Coming together at the various shrine sites, he said, is also a way to establish friendships.

“It shows you that you’re not alone, that we worship together. We might not know each other personally, but we gather in Christ,” Coutinho said.

Pilgrims will need to provide their transportation to each site. The visit to the National Shrine in October is part of the Camden Diocese’s Marian Pilgrim-age. It will include Mass with Bishop Dennis Sullivan.

Information: Rolland C. Coutinho at 856-220-9989 or

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