Parish ends Christmas season with Three Kings Day Mass

St. Paul Parish in Clifton welcomed on Jan. 5 Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney, who celebrated the 11 a.m. Mass in English for the Solemnity of the Epiphany, also known as Three Kings Day. Father Leonardo Jaramillo, St. Paul’s pastor, concelebrated the liturgy. Deacon Joseph Puskas assisted.

On this feast, the Church celebrates Christ’s manifestation, epiphany to the nations, the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi, also known as the Wise Men or the Three Kings. In earlier times, this feast combined two other manifestations: one at the Lord’s Baptism and one in Cana at the wedding feast. This is still the custom in Eastern Christianity, according to EWTN.

Bishop Sweeney handed the gifts for the Christ Child to three parishioners portraying the Wise Men before they processed down St. Paul’s main aisle for the offertory. The bishop blessed St. Paul’s nativity scene, surrounded by more miniature nativity sets worldwide. Parishioners of this multiethnic parish donated the nativities to represent their various cultures.

Bishop Sweeney and Father Jaramillo said a prayer for and then anointed churchgoers who have physical, mental, or spiritual challenges. St. Paul’s holds an anointing of the sick at all Masses one weekend a month, which for January, took place that weekend. Bishop Sweeney also celebrated a 1 p.m. Mass in Spanish that day at St. Paul’s.

— Michael Wojcik


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