Catholic Schools Week is a celebration of our mission for Catholic education. This week, from Jan. 26 to Feb. 1, we recognize what our schools do daily to enable the formation of the whole person in light of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Gospel message. We embrace this year’s theme, “United in Faith and Community.” We are a servant community and, as such, acknowledge that Catholic education offers the “fullest and the best opportunity to understand that our schools provide an atmosphere in which the Gospel message is proclaimed, community in Christ is experienced, service to our sisters and brothers is the norm, and thanksgiving and worship of God is cultivated.” (Renewing our Commitment 2005). Students, faculties, and families are empowered to build community in all areas of life having experienced it in the schools. Community is at the heart of Catholic education.
Our schools provide for the faith development and academic growth of children and young people from the Catholic community of the Paterson Diocese. They maintain a culture of excellence. Schools have been accredited and reaccredited. Some received STEM certification. One school is a highly acclaimed Catholic Classical School. Others have received the National Blue Ribbon excellence award, marking them as schools of distinction.
Each of our schools is true to its mission, rigorous in its programs, and engaged in a systemic process of continuous improvement. These are essential qualities of a Catholic school education. We witness the schools’ contributions to service, demonstrating the values and faith gained by our students through their education.
In partnership with families, we model discipleship, recognizing we are faithful people of God and life-long learners whose service to others is a responsibility and a true blessing. We form and inform students to acknowledge their God-given talents. Catholic education empowers students to achieve their dreams and goals to become future citizens in a global society. We strive to live by a mission to develop, improve, promote, and support a Catholic school system whose students become transformers of a faith-filled future.
We have stellar Catholic schools in the Paterson Diocese because we have grace-filled and generous people who support them, lead them, and are committed to their success. During Catholic Schools Week, we acknowledge and thank them all: our Bishop Kevin J Sweeney, our clergy, religious, lay men and women, and all parents who selflessly make the necessary sacrifices to provide their children with a Catholic education. We are most grateful to our students. They are our “hope” for the future. We journey together in this Jubilee Year of Hope as a time of renewal and hope with the resounding words of Pope Francis: “Spies Non Confundit.” Hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).
With God’s guidance and working together in our faith, we will ensure that our schools grow strong and viable to sustain Catholic education’s rich legacy and traditions in the Paterson Diocese.