Bishop Sweeney reflects on Blessed Mother, St. Maximilian Kolbe


Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney celebrated Mass at St. Vincent Martyr Church in Madison on Aug. 15 and wrote the following message on his Instagram:

It was a Blessing to celebrate Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption at St. Vincent Martyr Parish (Madison) with the parish community and our Diocesan Seminarians and discerners on Aug. 15. We thank Father Owen Moran, Father Yojaneider Garcia, and all the parishioners, as well as special thanks to the parish Vocation Ministry group, the Rosarians, and the Knights of Columbus for a delicious barbecue!

In my homily, I spoke about Devotion to our Blessed Mother and how that devotion inspired and guided many lives of the Saints, such as St. Maximilian Kolbe (whose Feast Day was Aug. 14th. The Hallow App currently has an excellent “Saint in 7 Days” series on the Life of St. Maximilian.

At the end of each day’s segment, there is a beautiful brief prayer, (among many) written by St. Maximilian, the “Closing Prayer of Identification with the Immaculata”, part of his “Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception.”

Closing Prayer of Identification with the Immaculata

O Immaculate Conception, Mary, my Mother, live in me, act in me, speak in and through me. Think your thoughts in my mind, love through my heart. Give me your own dispositions and feelings. Teach, lead and guide me to Jesus. Correct, enlighten and expand my entire personality and life. Replace me with yourself. Incline me to constant adoration and thanksgiving; pray in and through me. Let me live in you and keep me in this union always.


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