Holy Family Parish circulates Family Rosary Box

Jennifer Gamba and Anne Ippolito, co-leaders of the Rosary Fellowship of Holy Family Parish in Florham Park, wanted this powerful prayer of the Blessed Mother to reach more parish families as the fellowship launched its second year last fall.

Inspired by a ministry at St. Luke Parish in the Long Valley neighborhood of Washington Township, Holy Family began circulating a Family Rosary Box on Sept. 8 last year, the Blessed Mother’s birthday. The box includes rosary beads for all household members, child-friendly activities about how to pray the rosary, and a statue of Mary. It’s presented to a family each Sunday after they receive a special blessing from the celebrant at the end of Mass.

The family is invited to designate a special place in their home to display the statue and encouraged to gather together to pray the mysteries of the rosary throughout the week. The box is then passed on to another family for the following week. Since the ministry started, many families have shared their positive experiences about how praying the rosary together has touched their lives.

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