11/2 | Sat., 8 a.m. Mass for Life & Procession – St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, Morristown; 11 a.m. All Souls Day Mass – the Shrine of St. Joseph, Stirling. |
11/3 | Sun., 11:30 a.m. Mass – St. Jude the Apostle Parish, Hardyston; 2 p.m. Opening Prayers – St. Cecilia’s LIFE Runners Pro-Life 5K 2024, Assumption Parish, Morristown; 4 p.m. Mass at the Diocesan Youth Conference – St. Elizabeth University Chapel, Morristown. |
11/4 | Mon., 9:30 a.m. Mass & Ceremony of Investiture of Seton Halls’ 22nd President, Monsignor Joseph Reilly, S.T.L., Ph.D.; 12 p.m. Newly Ordained Formation Meeting – St. Paul Inside the Walls, Madison; 2:30 p.m. New Pastors Meeting – St. Paul Inside the Walls, Madison. |
11/7 | Thu., 6 p.m. Caritas Gala – Meadow Wood, Randolph. |
11/9-14 | Sat.–Thu. USCCB General Meeting – Baltimore. |
11/15 | Fri., 2 p.m. Order of Malta Investiture Mass, appointment as Conventual Chaplain ad honorem – St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City. |
11/16 | Sat., 10 a.m. Confirmation – Holy Trinity Parish, Passaic; 12 p.m. Confirmation – Holy Trinity Parish, Passaic; 5 p.m. Mass – EMBOLDEN Retreat, Camp Tecumseh. |
11/17 | Sun., 10 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving – St. Mary’s Parish, Denville; 3 p.m. Silver and Gold Anniversary Mass – the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Paterson; 6 p.m. Project Andrew – Our Lady of Fatima and Saint Nicholas Parish, Passaic. |
11/18 | Mon., 1 p.m. Dean’s Meeting. |
11/19 | Tue., 10 a.m. Meeting with Major Superiors – St. Paul Inside the Walls, Madison. |
11/20 | Wed., 6 p.m. Light of the World Gala – Park Savoy, Florham Park, Recipient of the Lumen Gentium Award for Education and Letters (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Gala). |
11/23 | Sat., 11 a.m. Mass & Lunch – Assumption College for Sisters, Denville; 4 p.m. Fr. Hernan Cely Installation Mass – St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Stirling. |
11/24 | Sun., 12 p.m. Mass – St. Philip Parish, Clifton. |
11/25 | Mon., 1 p.m. Presbyteral Council; 6 p.m. Knights of Columbus Pride in our Priests Dinner – Hanover Manor, East Hanover. |
Latest from Bishop's Calendar
2/1 Sat., 11 a.m. Mass celebrating the Jubilee of Consecrated Life – St. Philip the Apostle
1/3–5 Fri.–Sun. SEEK Conference – Washington, D.C. 1/5 Sun., 11 a.m. Mass – St. Paul Parish,
12/1 Sun., 10 a.m. Mass – St. Anthony, Hawthorne, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the church
10/1 Tue., 9:35 a.m. Mass – Delbarton School, Morristown. 10/3 Thu., 10 a.m. Finance Council Meeting
9/4 Wed., 2 p.m. Board of Bishops’ Virtual Meeting. 9/5 Thur., 7 p.m. Mass and Candle