The Passaic Neighborhood Center for Women (PNCW) hosted a celebration on Jan. 7 to mark the Feast of Three Kings, which Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney led. Two Passaic pastors – Father Imre Juhasz, pastor of St. Stephen Magyar Church, and Father Javier Bareno, pastor of St. Anthony Church — joined the bishop.
During the celebration, Bishop Sweeney blessed the PNCW. He led the traditional chalking of the door to ask God’s blessing for the center. He inscribed above the doorways, “20+C+M+B+25.” The inscription represents the year, and the letters C, M, and B stand for the names of the Three Kings — Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar — and also means “Christus mansion benedict” (“May Christ bless this house”).
The PNCW begins the new year nominated for a $75,000 grant to help expand its community garden and asks the community to support this endeavor.
To vote: Use ID # 1061 to vote for the center.