Inspiring photo of Eucharist, Blessed Mother snapped during outdoor procession

Angelina LaFera snapped the hope-filled photo at left while participating in an outdoor Eucharistic procession with Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney during a rosary event to pray for the United States at St. Vincent Martyr Parish on Oct. 6 in Madison.

The Order of Malta of the New Jersey Area invited Catholics to pray the rosary for the protection and healing of the United States that afternoon. The event was part of the national Order of Malta’s Rosary Coast to Coast initiative and included Eucharistic adoration.

LaFera took a photo of participants following the Eucharist and the statue of the Blessed Mother during the procession.

“I was blown away when I saw this picture and felt I needed to share it. Everyone was amazed and wowed by the image,” LaFera said. “One woman wanted to know what camera I used. I told her it was not the camera or me, but our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and his beautiful Blessed Mother, letting us know they were watching over us. I believe it was a little ‘hello’ from heaven to His faithful in these uncertain times.”

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