I am delighted to celebrate Catholic Schools Week with you


There are six buildings that comprise the property of St. James of the Marches Church in Totowa, N.J.

Father Marc Mancini

During the three and half years I have been privileged to be the pastor. On many weekend afternoons, I have walked alone through one of the said six buildings. Each time I have experienced some or all of the following thoughts and emotions as I strode through one revered building in particular.

Happiness, which resulted after reading the excellent student essays which were posted on the walls of the hallway.

Joy, observing the colorful drawings of the Gospel stories created by the youngest students enrolled in our school.

Inspiration, as I anxiously peek through door windows, noticing the organized, careful, and beautiful environment created by our superb principal and remarkable faculty for the students in each classroom.

Peace, subsequent to beholding throughout the building the images and statues of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mother, and St. Joseph greeting me.

Awe, as I wander silently and realize there are thousands of young men and women who have received an excellent Catholic education as they sat at their desks in each classroom.

Gratitude, for all the incredible sacrifices made by hundreds and hundreds of parents and volunteers since the doors of the school, opened in September 1956!

Enthusiasm, due to the fact I am a priest so blessed to have a parochial school coupled with my ministry as pastor of such an excellent parish.

Dedication, to see to it our outstanding school flourishes into the future for the boys and girls sent by their parents to be instructed here.

Thankfulness, for the devoted pastors and priests formerly assigned to this parish that have spent countless hours teaching students about the Roman Catholic Church.

Appreciation as I think about the people from Totowa, Paterson, and other towns who have participated in our school’s fundraisers over the years.

Humbled, as by a movement of prayer inside me, as I walk through the front door and realize none of the aforementioned would be possible without the unconditional grace of God!

Vowing, I will continue to walk the hallways of our Academy during weekend afternoons and march proudly into the future as pastor of the best school in the Paterson Diocese!

Yes, there are six buildings that comprise the property of St. James of the Marches Church in Totowa, N.J. However, as different as they are, none can compare to the one that is The Academy of St. James of the Marches!

Delighted are we to celebrate Catholic Schools Week with every student, faculty member, employee, volunteer, and parent!

Father Marc Mancini is the pastor of St. James of the Marches Parish and the Academy of St. James of the Marches in Totowa, N.J. He is also the Judicial Vicar for the Tribunal of the Diocese of Paterson.

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